Typical Week of an ObGyn
The variety in the day to day, week to week, work of an ObGyn is unmatched in medicine. While many surgeons have clinic time and OR time, ObGyns have the added variety of delivering babies.
Every week for me as a comprehensive ObGyn looks different, but this is a good representation of a "typical" week:
2 days in the office. This is when I see my pregnant patients for their prenatal care, annual exams for preventative care, and surgical consults for gynecologic issues. I see between 20-24 patients per day.
1 day covering L&D. I'm employed by a hospital system, and my group covers Labor & Delivery. This is an "in house" shift, so we aren't able to leave the hospital during this time. I'm responsible for all the deliveries, as well as the gynecologic patients who come through the ED.
After an overnight shift, we get the day off! Many places will still have you work after call, so I'm grateful to have the day off to catch up on sleep, work out, get some "me" time in, and pick my children up early.
My OR days usually have 3-6 cases, depending on what I'm doing. This week we did three laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomies ("tubals"), and D&C for bleeding, and an IUD placement!